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The Embodiment of a Distant Homeland: a Natural Homecoming

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The Embodiment of a Distant Homeland: a Natural Homecoming

The launch of the English edition of The Embodiment of a Distant Homeland: The History of the GOCMV from Its Founding until 1972 at the Ithacan Philanthropic Society on Sunday, October 27, felt like a natural homecoming. Ithacan Society president Spyridoula Digaletou-Coutsouvelis emphasized that it was fitting for the book launch to take place at Ithacan House, given the significant involvement of Ithacans in the Community’s early years.

Prominent Ithacan names like Lekatsas, Raftopoulos, Vlassopoulos, and Mavrokefalos (Black) have played key roles as directors in both the Ithacan Society and the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) over the decades.

GCM President Bill Papastergiadis OAM underscored the importance of the English edition, which makes the Community’s history accessible not only to future generations but also to a global community of diaspora scholars. He also expressed gratitude to the Ithacan Society for hosting the event.

GCM Board member Dr. Nick Dallas, who oversaw the translation and publication, acknowledged the ease of collaboration with Themelio Publications in Athens, who served as a reliable partner.

The event’s final speaker, author Juliana Charpantidou, noted that the English version is more complete, containing an index and revisions suggested by translator Petro Alexiou. She encouraged other historians to write about community histories, noting that no history is ever truly complete, as every work has gaps and reflects the author’s perspective. A diversity of voices, she added, contributes to a deeper understanding of events.

The audience expressed interest in follow-up volumes, and Juliana shared that she is currently researching the post-1972 period, with the goal of bringing the GCM’s history up to date, ideally to the early 21st century.

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