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The ABC Channel Has Responded to the GCM’S Concerns

Parthenon feature

The ABC Channel Has Responded to the GCM’S Concerns

The Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) applauds the ABC’s commitment in its letter to the GCM, that the ABC’s “practice in the future” is to refer to the marbles as the “Parthenon Marbles”.

The GCM appreciates the ABC Channel’s response to the recent GCM’s correspondence on this important issue. In its letter dated, 13th December 2023, ABC Channel addressed various aspects of the "Parthenon Marbles" discussion and provided insights into its editorial decisions and considerations regarding the terminology used in reporting on the "Parthenon Marbles."

The letter from the ABC News Management stated “That usage [of the terminology] has changed and it has become increasingly common, including by the ABC, to refer to all the marbles as the ‘Parthenon Marbles’ and providing historical context if required in relation to those held in the British Museum. That is, the default naming will be the Parthenon marbles but the use of ‘Elgin marbles’ may be used if it is necessary or useful in providing historical context,”

As passionate and staunch advocates for cultural accuracy and rightful representation, GCM appreciates the opportunity to address this matter constructively. In response to ABC Channel's viewpoints, GCM wishes to underscore the significance of a well-informed and comprehensive examination of the historical and cultural context surrounding the "Parthenon Marbles."

Mr Bill Papastergiadis, OAM, GCM President, stated, “We recognize the importance of fostering a well-informed and inclusive conversation surrounding the “Parthenon Marbles”. We believe that engaging in open dialogue is essential to building bridges and fostering a greater understanding of such matters. Hopefully, the momentum for the return to Greece for the Parthenon Marbles can be continued.”

Ms Anthea Sidiropoulos, GCM Vice President, said, “We acknowledge ABC Channel's response to our concerns”.