Greek Culture and Sports Minister Lina Mendoni Visits the Greek Community of Melbourne
Greek Culture and Sports Minister Lina Mendoni Visits the Greek Community of Melbourne
The Greek Culture and Sports Minister visited the Greek Community of Melbourne’s (GCM) Greek Centre in the historic Greek Precinct of Melbourne on Wednesday 27th of April. The President of the GCM Bill Papastergiadis OAM and members of the Board of the GCM welcomed Dr Mendoni. The GCM President led a tour of The Centre noting its significance as well as detailing the upcoming plans for it which includes a major renovation of its lobby and the imminent installation of the replicas of the Parthenon frieze on the building’s balcony facade.
The President of the GCM who was accompanied by fellow Board Members Dr Jim Bossinakis, Dr Spiridoula Demetriou, Vicki Kyritsis and Leo Vlahakis expressed his gratitude for the Minister visit and presented her with a plaque commemorating her visit.
Mr Papastergiadis said: “Following 2 years of lockdown, now is the time to expand the links and projects that can tour between the two countries. Language and culture is the backbone of the GCM's core activities and it is important to bring to Australia artists and academics from Greece. but it is very important to discuss further opportunities that could be explored by community groups in Australia and the Ministry of Culture”
On hand to greet the guards amongst others was also Vice President of the GCM Dr Jim Bossinakis, Mr, Assistant Secretary Vicki Kyritsis and Board members Mr Leonidas Vlahakis and Mrs Spiridoula Demetriou.

The Minister Dr Lina Mendoni thanked the GCM and President Papastergiadis and presented him with a reproduction fragment of a marble votive relief of seated Asklepios, authentically cast exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum saying: “It is essential for all the Greeks around the world to be proud of their heritage and culture. We are looking forward to working closely with the Greek Community of Melbourne and I am hopeful we will announce very soon some very exciting projects.”
The visit to The Greek Centre was followed by a short stroll in the historic Lonsdale Street Greek Precinct and lunch at the Tsindos Restaurant, where they enjoyed Greek delicacies.