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Empowering Greek Language Proficiency and Strengthening Bonds

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Empowering Greek Language Proficiency and Strengthening Bonds

The cultural camp for young Greek Australians is a program aimed at individuals of Greek descent aged 18-24. Its goal is to promote Greek language skills and foster deeper connections between young Australians and Greece. This highly successful initiative is a collaboration between the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) and the General Secretariat for Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy, being held for the third consecutive year. The program is centred in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece, with plans to expand to Attica.

20+ young people of Greek origin from across Australia are currently in Northern Greece (July 10 to July 20), with an itinerary that includes various activities spanning archaeological, cultural, and recreational sites.

The Secretary General of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Yannis Chrysoulakis, provided the following statement regarding the program: "The General Secretariat for Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy, in cooperation with the Greek Community of Melbourne - Victoria and YMCA, is implementing a program to host young people from the Melbourne - Victoria community. The previous two years were exceptionally successful and created lasting memories for our young expatriates.

This year, 25 young people aged 18-25 are participating in the program, which is funded by the General Secretariat for Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy. The program, taking place from July 10-20 in Thessaloniki, Kavala, Halkidiki, and Xanthi, emphasizes the importance of this unique opportunity."

Mr. Chrysoulakis stressed the philosophy of this hospitality, including elements and images of a timeless journey through the history, culture, architecture, and gastronomy of the region. "The young people of the Australian Diaspora will have a unique opportunity to experience Greece firsthand, exploring the sights and natural beauty of Macedonia and Thrace. Their itinerary includes visits to Vergina and the Polycentric Museum of Aigai, the archaeological site of Pella and Pella Museum, Amphipolis and the Kasta Tomb, and Philippi. They will also tour Thessaloniki, Veroia, Xanthi, and Kavala, and have the opportunity to visit Mount Athos. The General Secretariat for Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy, with support from the Ministry of Culture, has arranged free entrance for young Greeks to archaeological sites and museums."

The President of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM), Mr. Bill Papastergiadis OAM, said: "We are grateful to the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Chrysoulakis for their commitment to supporting this cultural program for our students. We have firsthand witnessed the joy our students experience through this program. GCM is dedicated to the ongoing implementation and expansion of this program, aiming to include it annually in our curriculum. Students develop an understanding of Greece and themselves that cannot be achieved solely through books. The program complements the excellent educational programs offered by our teachers here in Melbourne."

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