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Celebrating Family in GCM Schools

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Celebrating Family in GCM Schools

As part of the "Be connected" program, which is again taking place this year at the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) Language and Culture Schools, students at Bentleigh Campus welcomed their families to their school on Tuesday, 14 May. They shared with them a wonderful event dedicated to family.

On the occasion of International Family Day, teachers and students prepared a beautiful celebration for the honoured guests of the evening, the grandparents of the students, and celebrated this important institution with a revival of wedding customs, music, games, and educational activities.

During the event, teachers, students, and grandparents also shared their experiences from participating in the program 'Bridging Generations - Be Connected,' implemented by the GCM Schools in collaboration with Mrs. Christina Ntaliani and the organizations 'Be Connected' and 'Good Things Foundation.'

This program, in which students became online mentors for their grandparents, aims to increase the skills and safety of older people when using technology. It is a pioneering initiative with multiple benefits, both for the elderly—who shared valuable time with their grandchildren and became familiar with the internet—and for the students, who cultivated their empathy and practiced their communication skills in the Greek language.

The school's student, Athena D., said: 'I explained to my grandfather things he didn't know about the internet and showed him how to access sites about gardening and health, which he liked.' 'I taught my grandmother how to use Skype to communicate with us, and I taught her how to use a smart TV. I realized that it is difficult to be a teacher after all,' said student Daphne G."

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