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2023 Book Fair Exhibitor: Vivian Vass

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2023 Book Fair Exhibitor: Vivian Vass

Born in Athens, Vivian Vassiliki Pagourelias-Vassiliadis came to Australia in 1963 with her parents who being in the teaching profession, embarked on a quest to give her a good education. Armed with an immense inquisitiveness about life and its meaning, she studied different cultures and religions by backpacking through Europe, USSR, Scandinavia, UK, Africa, India, South East Asia and Australia. Her work has evolved in the disciplines of Psychology, Education, Journalism, Conflict Resolution, Personal Development and Business Management, which she has amalgamated into a holistic approach of life-direction in a pragmatic and spiritually enlightening way, after attaining a Bachelor of Arts in Interpreting and Translating, a Post Graduate Degree in Hellenic Studies, and two Certificates IV in Business (Accounting and Real Estate).

A published author, known by her nomme de plume as Vivian Vass, Vivian’s first book titled "Adventure Before Dementia Down Under" was awarded “International Best Seller” in 2017. Her second publication titled "Spinning Plates Changing Hats" launched late 2022, saw a sellout of its first edition, which prompted another successful launch of the second edition revamped in September 2023. Vivian loves to travel and enjoys living in Melbourne, with husband Sokratis, her two children and five grandchildren.


Book titled "Spinning Plates Changing Hats" is a memoir of a woman who held a total of seventy jobs including ten career changes in her working life. A migrant child who jumped the obstacles, flew with the punches and leaped in the fires as they presented themselves. A story of courage, resilience and persistence.
Book titled "Adventure Before Dementia Down Under" is the travel adventure of a Greek couple who join the "Grey Nomad" brigade in Australia and explore the amazing and intriguing delights of this ancient and mysterious continent. An entertaining, pictorial story that will transport the reader to places never imagined.

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