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2023 Greek Book Fair Exhibitor: Linou Press

Jack cover

2023 Greek Book Fair Exhibitor: Linou Press

Christos Linou is a cross-disciplinary artist with over three decades of work as a professional dancer, choreographer and filmmaker and has toured performance works in Paris, Amsterdam, Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia. Christos has contributed to the performing arts in Australia and internationally with works based on social/political issues arts career spanning over three decades. He has a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Melbourne, where he published his thesis ‘Naked Peel” based on his 12-hour durational performance work. During the COVID lockdown, he launched his independent publication house LinouPress in 2020. His recent artwork A Queer Stitch in Time was awarded first prize at the 2023 Midsumma Festival and he is developing an installation for 2024, commissioned by The Old Auction House in Kyneton.

Linou Press

Linou Press is an independent publishing house, established by Christos Linou in 2020. The publications are a platform for researching social /political issues through artistic provocation. LinouPress was launched at the 2021 NGV Melbourne Art Book Fair and participated in the 2022 & 2023 MABF. The publishing house has presented performances, street art activations, and guerrilla opera events to launch the books.


Jack Linou: The Art of An Outsider:
Is a tribute to my younger brother Jack Linou, who died in 1997 from HIV/AIDS and examines his life challenges living with the virus and drug use.
Hard Cover: 21 x 21 cm. 120 pages in full colour on gloss paper.
ISBN: 978-0-6451269-0-7

Polis Politic: Streets Guerrilla Art:

Looks at the social / political implications of graffiti why street art is an important aspect of popular culture.
Hardcover Book: 21 x 21 cm. 120 pages in full colour.
ISBN: 978-0-6451269-1-4

Melbourne Street Art: 2009 - 2022:
Is a chronological documentation of street art in Melbourne from 2009 – 2022.
Hardcover Book: 15 x 20 cm. 120 pages in full colour.
ISBN: 978-0-6451269-2-1

BLUFF: A Zine of systematic deception:

Vol 1. 2023. ART AS WAR: This Zine arranged as a conceptual manifesto reaction to the currency of world events.
Booklet: 21 x 15cm. 44 pages.
$8 B/W.

Brunswick Drawn:

Is a collection of illustrations that were created in 2016, with Brunswick as the focal point of inspiration.
Booklet: 21 x 15cm. 40 pages. B/W.
ISBN: 978-0-6451269-3-8

Melbourne Street cover
Screen Shot 2022 05 30 at 9 53 25 am
Brunswick Drawn