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2023 Greek Book Fair Exhibitor: Chris Fifis


2023 Greek Book Fair Exhibitor: Chris Fifis

Dr Christos N. Fifis has taught Greek Studies in Melbourne universities for 33 years.

He has written four collections of poetry, two collections of short stories, and one theatrical play. They are the following:

Προανάκρουσμα Prelude, Poetry collection, Athens, 1963.

ΣτροφέςStanzas, Poetry collection, Athens, 1963

ΒιολέταVioleta, Poetry collection, Melbourne, 1972

Πού είναι το μέρος για ένα χωριό; - Where is the place for a village?,

Poetry collection, Eothinon, Melbourne, 2011.

Κομμάτια ΖωήςSegments of Life, (A collection of short stories), Omicron Publications, Melbourne, 2013.

Ελληνοαυστραλιανά Διηγήματα – Greek Australian Short Stories, (A collection of short stories), S. I. Zacharopoulos, Athens, 2015.

Το σπίτι της ΒασίλωςVasilo’s House, A theatrical play, S. I. Zacharopoulos, Athens, 2021.

Κομμάτια ΖωήςSegments of Life, 2nd edition, S. I. Zacharopoulos, Athens, 2022.

Christos N. Fifis has also written widely, books and articles, on Greek Australian issues.

Christos N. Fifis has also collected and edited with an introduction Nikos Ninolakis’ poems in the volume Ο Αργοναύτης του Νότου, -The Argonaut of the South, Athens, 1986 and in 2009 co-edited with Dr Maria Herodotou and Dr Thanasis Spilias and the Athens periodical Παρουσία, a special issue on Greeks in Australia with a short anthology of Greek poetry in Australia.

His current research interests focus on Greek History, Greek Literature, and the History of the Greek Australian community.