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17th Of November 1973 Polytechnic Uprising


17th Of November 1973 Polytechnic Uprising

These days we remember and honour the supreme act of resistance against the Junta. The 17th of November 1973 Polytechnic uprising marked the modern history of Greece and laid the foundations for the democratic consciousness of the post-Junta period known as metapolitefsi. The Greek Community of Melbourne expresses its gratitude to all those who fought for democracy and freedom during the 7-year period, both within and outside Greece. Their legacy will always remind us that democracy is not won without struggle.

Greece may be experiencing the longest period of democratic governance, pluralism and peace since the foundation of the state, but we must not forget that hotbeds of war, religious fanaticism and ethnic cleansing have existed and continue to exist today. The placards of the Polytechnic students 'Bread, Education and Freedom' remain very relevant today as freedom and social justice eludes many parts of the world. Our thoughts are with the victims of these abuses and strongly encourage greater dialogue and an end to hostilities wherever there are conflict zones.

We invite you to the events that will take place to honour the students and citizens who stood with courage and unity against the oppressive regime of the dictatorship.

The Polytechnic Memorial Committee is organizing the following events on Sunday, November 17, 2024:

  • At 11:00 am, a wreath-laying ceremony at the Australian Hellenic Memorial
  • At 2:00 pm, at the Alphington Grammar School - Lyceum Centre, with speeches and songs from that era.