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The Tragic Events of 1974 and the Lobbying Power of the United Greek Cypriot Community and Greek Communities in Australia’

  • When:
  • Where:
    Was at Greek Centre, Mezzanine ( but a recording is available on: YouTube)
    Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Entry: Free

Event Details

The Greek Studies Program of the Department of Languages and Cultures at La Trobe University, the Dardalis Archives of the Hellenic Diaspora and the Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria are co-organising a series of lectures entitled: ‘The History of the Greeks in Australia based on the contents of the collection’. As part of this series, Peter Yiannoudes JP, OAM will reflect upon his efforts concerning the Cypriot issue. It serves as a timely reminder given that next year is the 50th Anniversary of the invasion.

Mr Yiannoudes, one of many community members who worked tirelessly after the treacherous coup and the barbaric invasion of Cyprus by Turkey, will refer to the tragic events of July 1974. He will describe the meetings with Australian politicians in Canberra, the visit of Haris Siamaris, Kostas Zintilis and Panagiotis Yiannoudes to Cyprus on 21 August 1974, the meetings with Cypriot politicians, the visits to the refugee settlements at Dasaki Achnas, and Kolossi, the meetings with Greek politicians in Athens, and the historic and very moving meeting with Archbishop Makarios in London, and Makarios’ message to the Hellenic diaspora of Australia.

Scenes will be shown of the mass rallies for Cyprus from October 1974, July 1975, the participation in the first Congress in Cyprus of 1976, the women’s protest march in Cyprus, the premieres of documentaries such as “How Cyprus was betrayed” and “Makarios: The Long Journey”, and the funeral of Makarios. Photographs with various Australian politicians will be shown, along with the visits of Cypriot and Greek personalities at the anniversary events of the invasion, and other events from Mr Yiannoudes’ enduring community involvement.

There will also be a display of rare photographs from the sites of the occupied territory.

Event Info
When: Wednesday, 4 October 2023, 7pm
The Greek Centre, Greek Community of Melbourne
Lecture series coordinator:
Dr. Stavroula Nikoloudis, Greek Studies Program Coordinator, La Trobe University

*Images may be subject to copyright.


Peter Yiannoudes JP, OAM

Peter Yiannoudes was born in Vouni, a village near Limassol, Cyprus, in 1935. From 1950 he worked at various cinemas in Limassol as ticket seller and assistant projectionist. He migrated to Australia in 1956. A pioneer of Greek cinema in Australia, he formed a film company in 1958 called “Cosmopolitan Motion Pictures” together with Andreas Papadopoulos and Stathis Raftopoulos, to be joined soon after by Chris Louis from Sydney. They became the sole Greek (and other) film distributors in Australia, catering to the immigrant populations of the post-WWII period. He was also actively involved in community affairs. In 1972, he became a member of AHEPA, serving in various roles over the years, including as its national president in Australia 2016-2018. In 1972, he became a member of the Executive Committee of the Cyprus Community of Melbourne and Victoria, and served as its President from 1978 to 1990. From 1978-1996, he also served as President of the Federation of Cypriot Communities of Australia, and Vice-president of POMAK (World Organisation of Cypriots Abroad) becoming General Secretary of the latter in 1996-2003. From 1977 to 2003 he was President of the Justice for Cyprus Committee (SEKA). He was also involved in local fundraising and philanthropic efforts for members of the Greek and Cypriot communities. He has received several awards, including the Order of Australia Medal in 2013.

  • LANGUAGE English
  • CATEGORY Education
  • PRESENTED BY The Greek Community of Melbourne
    Was at Greek Centre, Mezzanine ( but a recording is available on: YouTube)
  • ADDDRESS Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000