Meet the Author: Syrmo Kapoutsi
- When: – 1:10 pm
- Where: Greek Centre, Mezzanine Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
- Entry: Free
Event Details
Syrmo Kapoutsi is an experienced Greek language teacher and children’s author. She was employed by the Greek Ministry of Education and worked for several years in secondary education. In 2019 she was seconded by the Greek Government at the General Consulate of Greece – Education Department in Melbourne. She lives in Melbourne, teaches Greek in a variety of public, private and community schools, and writes stories for children. Her fictional stories are inspired by Greek mythology, human rights, and issues of the modern world.
Her series of Greek mythology, published by Diaplasis publications, has been consistently at the top of the preferences of Greek readers in recent years. Its success led to the translation of the series into English, French, Italian and German, and the books are included in the bookshops of the largest museums and archaeological sites in Greece.
Greek Mythology, The Trojan War
Greek Mythology, Twelve Gods of Olympus
Greek Mythology, The Twelve Labours of Hercules
Greek Mythology, Odysseus - The Return to Ithaca
Greek Mythology, Theseus
Greek Mythology, Jason and the Argonauts
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Θεότητες και ήρωες
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Ιστορίες
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Οδυσσέας
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Ιάσονας – Η Αργοναυτική Εκστρατεία
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Τρωικός Πόλεμος
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Θησέας
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Δώδεκα θεοί του Ολύμπου
Ελληνική μυθολογία, Ηρακλής – Οι δώδεκα άθλοι
Η Λήδα και η γαρίδα νούμερο 0
Ένα μαύρο βότσαλο που το έλεγαν Μαυρίκιο
About Book Fair 2023
This event is part of the series Book Fair 2023.
The Greek Community of Melbourne hosts a wide range of events, from intimate gatherings to large functions, and celebrates cultural diversity with vibrant festivals, performances, and exhibitions.
Book Fair 2023 has finished, it ran between: Saturday, 25 November 2023 and Sunday, 26 November 2023
See all Book Fair 2023 published events.
- LANGUAGE English
- CATEGORY Published Works > Meet the Author
- EVENT SERIES Book Fair > Book Fair 2023
- SERIES DATES Saturday, 25/11/2023 – Sunday, 26/11/2023
- PRESENTED BY The Greek Community of Melbourne
- PLACE Greek Centre, Mezzanine
- ADDDRESS Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000