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Envisioning a Mediterranean Pacific: photography and sugar cane migrants

presented by Dr Andonis Piperoglou

  • When: – 9:00 pm
  • Where: Greek Centre, Mezzanine Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
  • Entry: Free

Event Details

Date: 15th August 2024, 7pm

Speaker: Dr Andonis Piperoglou

Topic: Envisioning a Mediterranean Pacific: photography and sugar cane migrants

Venue: Mezzanine, The Greek Centre, 168 Lonsdale Street

About Dr Andonis Piperoglou

Dr Andonis Piperoglou is the inaugural Hellenic Senior Lecturer of Global Diasporas at the University of Melbourne. Andonis is a specialist in migration and ethnic history and has published extensively on Greek migration to Australia. He works on historical connections between colonialism, racism, and migration, as well as human movements between the Mediterranean and the Pacific. In the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, Andonis teaches subjects on migration, diaspora, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, and globalisation. Currently, Andonis is the Vice President of the International Australian Studies Association.


During the early decades of the twentieth century many migrants from the Mediterranean region worked in Queensland’s catering industry, yet an increasing number found employment as bush-clearers, sugar-cane cutters, and labourers in sugar refineries. In many ways, this history of migration from the Mediterranean region in Queensland’s sugar districts has been told as one of hard work and successful assimilation. Yet, another source of migrant labour predated this labour flow. During the nineteenth century forced migration from the South Pacific acted as a crucial source of labour in Queensland sugar industry. Histories of labour migration from Pacific and Mediterranean are often framed separately, yet this presentation will reveal that they are part of the same historical story. Via a focus on visual culture – comprised of photos, cartoons and sculpture - I will chart how migrant labour has been represented by Mediterranean and Pacific diasporas. In doing so, I aim to open up a space for comparative histories of diaspora to engage with the dynamics of Australian settler colonialism, while reinterpreting exhausted narratives of assimilation.

About Greek History and Culture Seminars 2024

This event belongs to the series, Greek History and Culture Seminars 2024.

The Greek Community of Melbourne hosts a wide range of events, from intimate gatherings to large functions, and celebrates cultural diversity with vibrant festivals, performances, and exhibitions.

SERIES DATES: Thursday, 07/03/2024 – Thursday, 26/09/2024

See all Greek History and Culture Seminars 2024 published events.

  • LANGUAGE English
  • CATEGORY Education
  • EVENT SERIES Seminars > Greek History and Culture Seminars 2024
  • SERIES DATES Thursday, 07/03/2024 – Thursday, 26/09/2024
  • PRESENTED BY The Greek Community of Melbourne
  • FEATURING Dr Andonis Piperoglou
  • M.C. Dr Nick Dallas
  • ORGANISERS Greek COmmunity of Melbourne
  • PLACE Greek Centre, Mezzanine
  • ADDDRESS Mezzanine Level, 168 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000